6:27 AM by nutella
Most of us thought that if we wante to lose weight we must stop eating. But this is just a legend and nothing more .. make sure that you need to avoid eating foods loaded with calories. The fresh fruits and vegetables help to lose weight.Instead of depriving yourself from eating ,or follow a harsh diet,you can when you feel hungry eat foods that help you lose weight and reduce weight gain which would be easier to you from follow harsh diet make you feel bored and boredom and leave it in the middle of the road which make you gain more weight.
we present to you 10 foods can help you to lose weight:
believe or not believe that two cups of coffee w'll help to keep you slim.the caffeine can raise the metabolic rate by 15%.Research has shown that people who eat 3 to 4 cups of regular coffee less likely to injury by the seconde type of diabetes by 30%.and the chlorogenic acid Existing in coffee has known by preventing the resistance of insulin that leads to diabetes in the future.
Oats contain protein and minerals in addition to the good fat that helps you to keep your form suitable.
Tomato is considered one of the richest natural foods filled by Lycopene and antioxidants and vitamins C and E
Low-fat yogurt is snack rich in protein , Besides it's probiotic food contains a large amount of beneficial bacteria.
Chickpeas and beans, black beans and various other legumes, keeps the weight under control.beasides they w'll make you feel by fullness and control your appetite,and reduce your own tendencies to over-eating.Beans are a rich source of fiber and other essential nutrients.
6-Black raspberries:
Evergreen berries help you to fight weight as it's rich in vitamin B, vitamin C and plant flavonoid and antioxidants materials that keep you slim and reduce the possibily of injury by heart diseases.whenever the raspberrie more black it was full by the antioxidants.
Acidic fruits contain a high content of vitamin C, Apart from that, the orange contain in phytochemicals that work to reduce inflammation and the propability of injuring by the breast cancer.
They are also a rich source of potassium,which it helps retention of water in the body.
8- cucumber:
It is a modest source of vitamin A and vitamin C as well as fiber.It can be eaten raw if you just want to eat healthy snack.It can also be used in salad as it gives a feeling of fullness and also low in calories.
There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away all the life.A good habit to take up an apple each morning.
Apple has a high proportion of fiber and antioxidant substances that prevent metabolic syndrome it's a case symbolized by excess fat around the abdomen.
10-Almond :
Almond is the best snack can be addressed both between meals or in the early morning along with breakfast.These nuts are very useful in the sugar levels the normal and the low blood . Research demonstrates that high levels of sugar in the blood lead to problems in the over-eating, as well as insulin, which produces abdominal fat production. Besides, you can always carry a handful of almonds in your pocket to come in handy whenever you need to eat snacks.