Saturday, June 20, 2015

The extra weight and fat accumulation in the buttocks area one of more problems that haunt the girls, and this problem appears as a result of some wrong daily practices and no movement for long hours, in addition to eating a lot of foods that contain a high percentage of sugars and fats.

Nutrition experts advised to elimination of accumulated fat in the buttocks area,by following a balanced diet, in addition to getting rid of some wrong daily habits such as sitting for long hours, with need to ensure practice of physical daily activity half-hour.

it preferred to rely on natural recipes to get rid of excess weight and fat , in the following simple natural recipe, help get rid of the accumulated fat in the buttocks area:
  • spoon of chamomile and sage leaves and rosemary in addition to water .
Put all the ingredients together, then add to them the boiling water , taking care to eat this mixture three times a day, at a rate of once before each meal half an hour.

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