Saturday, June 13, 2015

A recent US study confirmed that eating breakfast rich with calories helps to weight loss,because that makes you feel with satiety and avoid you to eat snacks from time to time, A study by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the United States pointed on the importance of eating foods rich with calories to lose weight 

The researchers divided the participants in the experiment into two groups , and they give him breakfast no different in form or components But the only difference was the percentage of calories

Experts have discovered after the end of the experiment that the group which got breakfast by more calories felt more saturation from the second and was stay without additional food for longer time this why the experts see that the proportion of calories in the food may have an important in weight loss for long term,

i know that your breakfast was random but from know you can search recipes for your breakfast contain more calories and remember that it can helps you to lose more than 4 pounds in 4 days without do any think ..

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