Fatigue,Anxiety , low of memory or gain weight or Flatulence
or difficulty in digestion .....,So you need to clean your body from the inside and dispose the toxins ,we ask a new topic is how those toxins consist and what result of problems and special program to dispose them.
Why clean the body from toxins?
It's true that we have our own devices in our bodies their mission are remove the toxins from the body and they are the liver and colon, kidneys, gall bladder, lungs, skin, lymph glands and blood.
But now, and for a world more polluted than before, Members of the body need a lot of effort to rid the body from waste and toxic substances , and when these members of the body strain the diseases start
The causes of toxins in our bodies:
- Pickings of cars and factories
- Radiation of phones and computers
- Industrial home detergents
- Preservatives and coloring materials in foods
- Soft drinks, alcohol, cigarettes and coffee
- medical Drugs
- Lack of activity
- wakefulness all night
What are the benefits of cleaning the body from toxins?
- Improve the function of the immune system
- Remove free radicals and toxins
- Remove the symptoms of fatigue and lethargy, fatigue and headaches
- To get rid of excess water in the body
- Reduce the chance of heart disease
- Improve your mood and power focus
- Reduces excess weight
- Enhance the fight against of cancer cells and the generation of healthy cells
- Cleaning the mucous membranes
- Remove infections of the digestive system and get rid of the excess acidity and stomach ulcers
A special program to rid the body of toxins in 7 days....
all kinds of fruits you like, fresh or frozen or dried or canned in natural fruit juice,This includes apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapefruit, raisins, pineapple, mango, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries types, is peach, watermelon etc,fresh fruit juice or Smoothie form of fresh or ready-made drinks and fruit juices. Make sure the ready-made juices as free from any additives and non-sugar.
- Fresh or frozen vegetables or canned in water (no salt added).
This includes carrots, onions, turnips, bean sprouts, cabbage, peppers, mushrooms, peppers, balls, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumber, garlic . All kinds of boiled potatoes or grilled but not fried.
- Legumes, beans and lentils - dried or canned in water. This includes red beans, Alazuki, beans, red lentils, green lentils and brown lentils.
- Oat-bran, brown rice, eat a normal popcorn without sugar or salt and rice cakes.
- Fresh fish - such as cod fish, shrimp, tuna, salmon, lobster, red mullet,fish Canned in water and salt is very suitable, such as salmon or tuna.
- Nuts unroasted and unsalted such as, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios.
- Seeds without salt -such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
- Eat fresh milk and yogurt can add fresh fruit or honey.
- Milk, cheese and eggs, buttermilk.
- All foods containing grain such as bread , croissants , cereals,cakes,biscuits...
and there are lot of foods , for any questions put your comments under this article .....