Tuesday, June 16, 2015

happiness have private foods , interact with hormones of the body and enhances feel comfortable and reassuring. so i advice you take it so much and support sets with your husband with these foods to achieve distinctive meeting.

diet of happiness includes this following products:

chocolate contain sugar that increase levels of "endorphin" in the body, the hormone responsible for happiness.In addition to some narcotic fatty acids, which are have influence to certain parts of the body, it is responsible for memory and movement and relax and comfort.


Rich in many of the elements that make you feel happy and give you energy such as iron, acid of folic and vitamin B.

milk :

Milk contributes to the promotion of sense of calm and happiness and it riches in calcium and "tryptophan" which is a amino acid responsible for the production of the hormone "serotonin", that make you feel calm and happy.


It helps to prevent depression such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, which contain omega-3 material that useful to heart and the brain and which help to improve mood.


that includes many useful elements for the body, such as calcium useful for bones and teeth, and it helps stimulate neurotransmitters that increase your feeling of happiness.

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