Sunday, April 16, 2017

Although diet soda could prevent liquid calories in the short term, in the long term not so much! researchs showed that with every can of diet soda consumed, an individual’s risk for being overweight augmented by 41 %.

Diet soda isn't unhealthy for your waistline
only, it may also be damaging to your health. No surprise here. have you read the ingredient list on a can of soda? hello chemicals! A study given at the american Stroke Association, which followed 2,500 New Yorkers who drank diet soda each daily , found that these people had a 61 % higher risk of vascular events, including stroke and chronic diseases, than those who did not consume diet drinks.

Instead attempt seltzer with sliced fruit (such as orange, lemon or lime) for zero calories and loads of flavor. The seltzer provides the fizz that most individuals like in sodas without all the artificial sweeteners and different chemical ingredients.




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