• select foods and drinks that are low in fat and sugar and limit sweet, fatty and salty snacks.
• 1/2 fil your plate with vegetables/salad and split the other 1/2 between meat, fih, egg or beans and starchy foods like potatoes, rice, pasta or bread.
• Watch your portion sizes particularly when feeding out.
• If you drink, moderate your alcohol intake. Alcohol is high in calories and dissolves your good intentions.
• Avoid eating at the same time as doing something else, for example when working, reading or watching TV, as this may cause you to overeat.
• Eat slowly, concentrate on and really taste the food you are putting in your mouth.
• it's necessary not to ‘diet’. Diets are often extreme, strict and nutritionally unbalanced and dictate what you should and shouldn’t eat resulting in you not sticking to them for very long.
• Aim to drink 2 litres of flid per day, selecting low calorie, non caffeinated drinks.
• And finally, it takes time for your brain to know your stomach is full so wait a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes before deciding you need a lot of food.